Yesterday’s evening auctions of Latin American Art in New York brought the strong total of $16,247,000, well within the pre-sale estimate of $13,230,000/18,585,000. Opening the evening was the dedicated themed sale Latin America: The Legacy of Abstraction, which totaled $6,713,000, was 89% sold, and saw Joaquín Torres-Garcías Estructura ocre constructive soar over its high estimate to sell for $970,000 (est. $400/600,000). Other highlights included Jesús Rafael Sotos Salon de Mai, which sold for $880,000, becoming one of the top prices for the artist at auction (est. $600/800,00), and Concetto Spaziale, from the peak of Argentine artist Lucio Fontanas illustrious career, which fetched $598,000 (est. $400/600,000). Immediately following, the first session of the Latin American Art Modern & Contemporary auction brought a total of $9,534,000 and was led by La Familia, the last and definitive
Read More: Sotheby’s Evening Sales of Latin American Art in New York total $16.2 million