Kewenig is staging a solo exhibition of the work of Sean Scully (b. Dublin 1945) in its Berlin gallery for the first time. Four Days features new oil paintings, a selection of pastels and one sculpture by the internationally renowned Irish-American artist. Among the works, the majority of which were executed especially for this occasion, is the four-part painting Four Days (2015) after which the show was named. The monumental triptych Arles-Abend-Vincent 2 (2015), a number of new works from the Landline series, three paintings from the Wall of Light series, two pastels from the Doric series and the sculpture Landline Cubed (2015) offer insights into central workgroups as well as new tendencies in Scullys uvre. It was in 1998 that Sean Scully first called a painting Wall of Light after a watercolor he had executed in Mexico in 1983 the year in which he took out American citizenship , thus launching
Read More: Solo exhibition of the work of Irish-born artist Sean Scully opens at Kewenig in Berlin