
Ryan Lee is presenting a selection of films by Rudy Burckhardt in RLWindow, including 145 W. 21 (1936) and Eastside Summer (1959), that focus on daily life in New York. 145 W. 21 is a 10-minute black and white film that follows the dramatic narrative of a young couple played by Edward Denby and Paula Miller as their lives unfold over the course of an afternoon in the Flatiron neighborhood of Manhattan. Eastside Summer is quite different. Completed more than two decades later, the 11-minute film is employed with documentary film techniques as Burckhardt captures 14th Street, the Lower East Side, Central Park, and other quintessential New York moments in a collage of close-up images in color. The New York Times called Burckhardt’s approach to film, and specifically of New York City, “a continuous, nearly choreographic performance [that] might be counted among the

Read More: Rudy Burckhardt videos of old New York screening at High Line