VOLTA ushered in record attendance in its second consecutive year at Markthalle in Basel’s city centre. Steady rain showers from before VIP previews through the mid-afternoon public vernissage were no match for throngs of quality clientele and cultural purveyors, a fifty-percent increase in attendance. The resounding sales that followed echoed VOLTA11’s serious staking of claim as the premiere destination for new, emerging, and relevant art during Art Basel Week. ‘After the blizzard on opening day in New York, Id be lying if I didnt say we all greeted the morning with a certain grim resolve… but thankfully the reputation of our galleries provided enough of a beacon in the grey weather to guide our visitors to Markthalle,’ said VOLTA Artistic Director Amanda Coulson. ‘We are more than pleased with the result not only a steady flow of collectors
Read More: Record attendance at VOLTA’s second consecutive year at Markthalle in Basel’s city centre