
SCAD Museum of Art presents a solo exhibition of collage works and films by New York-based artist Rashaad Newsome. “Orders of Chivalry” showcases Newsome’s contemporary take on historic imagery. Through the borrowing and blending of elaborately realized heraldic symbols with iconic hip-hop visuals, Newsome discerns and critiques power structures that have endured for centuries. Newsome’s treatise on social and economic divisions explores and recreates heraldic meaning through contemporary imagery and concepts. Heraldry’s origins as the practice of recording coats of arms on banners and shields have long been wrought with imagery of one’s status, displaying both familial lineage and military ranking. After living and working in Europe, Newsome began to make connections between heraldic elements in various forms of art and architecture. He also recognized correlations between the

Read More: Rashaad Newsome opens solo exhibition of collage works and films at the SCAD Museum of Art