The Moscow Museum of Modern Art presents the exhibition based on the film Under Electric Clouds (director Alexey German Jr, art director Elena Okopnaia). The project Now 2017 will open at the venue of a new MMOMA building at Gogolevsky boulevard on the day of the films official first run in Russia. The exhibition will be an artistic improvisation intended to show that an art process goes far beyond the demonstration of an art product. The project will include objects, photos, videos and sculptures, involved in the film. Now 2017 is an ambitious attempt by the project curators Antronio Geusa and Elena Okopnaia to reproduce off screen the artistic concept of the film Under Electric Clouds, thus resuming the dialogue with its viewers in the museum space by way of an exhibition. The film by Alexey German Jr is a pretext, a canvas used to create new imagery. This project cant be described
Read More: Now is 2017: Exhibition based on the film ‘Under Electric Clouds’ opens in Moscow