Four years after the attacks by Anders Behring Breivik, Norway on Wednesday opened an exhibition dedicated to the tragedy that some fear could become a ‘hall of fame’ for the mass murderer. The exhibition has triggered controversy as several objects used by Breivik in his July 2011 rampage, such as the remains of the van where he hid his bomb and the fake ID and insignia he used to impersonate a police officer, are on display. The right-wing extremist killed 77 people in in the worst peacetime atrocity in Norway, claiming he was fighting against multiculturalism and a ‘Muslim invasion’. The temporary exhibition is housed on the ground floor of the government complex in Oslo that the killer, now 36, unsuccessfully tried to blow up with a massive car bomb. ‘The information centre should spread knowledge in order to prevent hatred, violence and terrorism,’ Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg said at the opening, in a speech that brought her close to tears. ‘This year, terror struck agai
Read More: Norway opens Breivik massacre exhibition