During his prosperous six-decade career as an artist, there were several key themes Norman Rockwell (1894-1978) returned to again and again in his paintings. Instantly recognizable, the concepts of humor, heroes, and coming of age were each used by the artist in the service of telling a story through his pictures. In conjunction with its current exhibition, Roz Chast: Cartoon Memoirs, which also celebrates family, lifes humorous moments, and standing up to adversity, Norman Rockwell Museum will reinstall its main galleries to focus on these thematic elements, and offer an in-depth look at the artists process. Norman Rockwell: Heroes, Humor, and Growing Up will be on view at the Museum through October 18, 2015. The new installation was developed by Jesse Kowalski, Norman Rockwell Museums new Curator of Exhibitions. A ‘lifelong fan’ of Rockwells
Read More: Newly installed galleries focus on key themes from Norman Rockwell’s career