Over the summer, the Musée National Pablo Picasso, La Guerre et la Paix is showcasing an exceptional collection of works on loan from the Musée National Picasso – Paris, featuring five three-dimensional ceramic and bronze pieces connected to the murals painted by Picasso for the chapel. The chapel in Vallauris is one of the most significant museums dedicated to Picasso and his legacy. In 1959, the artist donated his War and Peace masterpiece to the French state. The Musée National Picasso-Paris reopened in the autumn of 2014 after several years of renovation, and is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. For the occasion, it was deemed essential to bring these two institutions dedicated to Picasso’s work closer together. In addition, it seemed particularly pertinent to give pride of place to the artist’s work in Vallauris, where he lived from 1948 to 1954 and where he created
Read More: Musée National Pablo Picasso, La Guerre et la Paix opens ‘With Picasso in Vallauris’