On Tuesday 16 June 2015 the winner of the BP Portrait Award 2015 was announced at the National Portrait Gallery. The prestigious first prize – in the 26th year of BPs sponsorship of the competition – was won by 35-year-old Israeli artist Matan Ben-Cnaan, for Annabelle and Guy, a striking allegorical portrait of the artists friend and step-daughter as if contemplating their tragic fate in the blinding sunlight of Israels Jezreel Valley. The judges were impressed by the highly charged and unsettling portrait in which the artist chose to depict his sitters as though they were facing tragedy in an echo of the Biblical story of Jephthah. In this story an Israelite judge vowed on entering battle that should he win, he will sacrifice the first thing that greets him upon his home-coming, believing it to be a dog. However, on his return, it is his daughter who rushes out in welcome. Realising the tragic mistake
Read More: Israeli artist wins BP Portrait Award 2015 for allegorical scene from a tale of sacrifice