
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag has acquired two large sculptures by Louise Bourgeois, the grande dame of modern art, on long-term loan. Bourgeois’ work is held in great affection all over the world, among both art-lovers and the general public. The Louise Bourgeois Studio owns a number of the artist’s larger sculptures, and it loans them to only a handful of museums in the world. This now includes Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, alongside Tate Modern, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and DIA Art Foundation. With the arrival of ‘Spider Couple’ (2003) and ‘Clouds and Caverns’ (never previously displayed) in The Hague, the museum has a new international attraction in the form of three large sculptures. The Gemeentemuseum has become one of the Louise Bourgeois Studio’s permanent partners in Europe. ‘The fact that we are receiving long-term loans, ranking alongside the likes of Tate Modern, Louisiana Muse

Read More: Gemeentemuseum acquires two large sculptures by grande dame of modern art Louise Bourgeois