For its next summer exhibition, the Grimaldi Forum Monaco is presenting « From Chagall to Malevich, the revolution of the avant-garde », exhibition produced in connection with the Year of Russia in the Principality of Monaco. The exhibition is one of the outstanding events of the Year of Russia celebration, which will run throughout 2015. This wide-ranging exhibition brings together major works by great artists who from 1905 to 1930 represented the avant-garde movement in Russia. They shaped an unprecedented modernity, distinguishing themselves totally from what had been known before: Altman, Baranoff-Rossin, Burliuk, Chagall, Chashnik, Dymchits-Tolstaya, Ender, Exter, Filonov, Gabo, Gavris, Goncharova, Kandinsky, Kliun, Klucis, Kudryashov, Larionov, Lebedev, Lentulov, Lissitzky, Mashkov, Malevich, Mansurov, Matiushin, Medunetsky, Morgunov, Pevsner, Popova, Puni, Rodchenko, Rozanova, Shevchenko Stenberg, Stepanova, Sterenberg
Read More: ‘From Chagall to Malevich, the Revolution of the Avant-Garde’ opens at the Grimaldi Forum Monaco