Established in 2007, Frieze Film is a series of new films commissioned from established and emerging artists and premiered annually as part of Frieze Projects, Frieze Londons non-profit curated programme. This year, Frieze Film is curated by Nicola Lees and supported by Channel 4s Random Acts, who will also broadcast the commissions. The artists participating in Frieze Film 2015 are: Charles Atlas with Rashaun Mitchell + Silas Riener, Xavier Cha, Gery Georgieva and Thirteen Black Cats. New York-based artist Xavier Cha presents a new film capturing actors efforts to battle conflicting emotions, held in tense states of physical and psychological discord, which offers a first look at the artists forthcoming solo exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland. Produced in co-operation with Museum, the film continues Chas exploration of the body and subjectivity.