Born in Haifa in 1975, Ratman established himself as one of the leading international video artists with The Workshop, his acclaimed 5-channel video installation shown at the Israeli national pavilion in the 2013 Venice Biennale. His exhibition in TRAFO Center for Contemporary Art is comprised of four large video installations spanning 6 years of creation, 588 Project (2009), Multipillory (2010) and two new ones Five Bands from Romania (2015) and Swarm (2015). More than an exhibition of 4 separate and self-contained works, the scale and simultaneity of the works installed over 4 floors of TRAFO create a single installation reflecting physical and topographical layers within the exhibition. As a whole, the show addresses issues of contemporaneity and the human condition in front of changing political and technological realities. For Five Bands from Romania (
Read More: Four large video installations by Gilad Ratman on view at TRAFO Center for Contemporary Art