OHWOW Gallery presents Queer Fantasy, a group exhibition curated by William J. Simmons. Featuring work by ten artists A.K. Burns, Leidy Churchman, Jimmy DeSana, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Mariah Garnett, Jacolby Satterwhite, David Benjamin Sherry, Jack Smith, A.L. Steiner, and John Waters this show seeks to recount and preserve a frequently marginalized history of queer voices within contemporary art. The discourse surrounding Queer Art seems to center on generalities that assume a univocal motive exists, and that all queer artists intend to participate in forwarding this speculative agenda. Rather than exploring the idiosyncratic aesthetic of Queerness, the dominant ideological narrative suggests that this genre is solely concerned with behavior stereotypically attributed to a queer lifestyle. In order to remedy these analytical shortcomings, this exhibition combines
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