
Depart Foundation announced today its first solo exhibition of works by Los Angeles based artist Petra Cortright. Curated by Paul Young, NIKI, LUCY, LOLA, VIOLA , on view July 9 – September 12, 2015, will present an immersive viewing experience that features large-scale Flash animations, new video works and animated digital paintings. Cortright’s internet-inspired artworks play with the vernacular of viral internet culture by appropriating some of its most common forms and transforming them into singular, carefully orchestrated, hybrid works that fall somewhere between ironic distantiation and the sincere—its generic forms and content from online. NIKI, LUCY, LOLA, VIOLA will feature a series of new video works and animations by Cortright, compiled from open-source, screensaver software, and purchased virtual strippers. “Niki,” “Lucy,” “Lola” and “Viola

Read More: Exhibition of works by Los Angeles based artist Petra Cortright opens at Depart Foundation