From 10 June to 6 September 2015 ‒ in its bicentennial year 200 Years Städel ‒ Frankfurts Städel Museum is presenting prints by the English painter, engraver and etcher William Hogarth (1697‒1764). Altogether seventy works including the famous printmaking series A Harlots Progress (1732), A Rakes Progress (1735) and Marriage à la Mode (1745) are on view in the exhibition hall of the Department of Prints and Drawings. These visual novels from the Städel holdings take the fashions, vices and downsides of modern life in the London metropolis as their themes. Hogarth conceived of his artworks as printed theatre of his times and with them he laid the cornerstone for socio-critical caricature in England. The prints owe their special quality to the keen powers of perception and caustic humour of an artist who contributed so greatly to shaping the image of his era that it is still refer
Read More: Exhibition of prints by English artist William Hogarth opens at the Städel Museum