New paintings all made this year are the content of ‘post’, Alexander Wagner’s third solo exhibition at RaebervonStenglin. Each work is of the same size and portrait orientation and was made in dialogue with its companions relating conversationally to one another, their splashy demeanour and garish patterns expressing an untroubled air. Paintings made long after the purported death of painting, post-post-modernism and even post-internet, Wagner’s canvases are also sculptural objects, their surface imagery unfolding their process post their own making. To create the works the artist employed a very particular strategy: Wagner stretched a canvas over a small frame to form a ‘classic’ site for the picture to take place; he then painted on this before re-stretching the canvas onto a larger frame so that the previously unseen drips delineating the edges of the original image now become part of the
Read More: Exhibition of new paintings by Alexander Wagner opens at RaebervonStenglin