The Tibor de Nagy Gallery presents an exhibition of new collages by celebrated poet John Ashbery and acclaimed avant-garde filmmaker Guy Maddin. Each artist will be represented by a group of collages completed within the last year. This is the fourth gallery exhibition to focus on Ashberys collages since his solo debut in 2008. Maddin and Ashbery were mutual fans from a distance until they were introduced a few years ago. Soon they were collaborating. Ashbery wrote his own adaptation of the long-lost Dwain Esper exploitation film How to Take a Bath, which Maddin then filmed. The finished film, a short, is now included in Maddins latest feature The Forbidden Room, which has been described as a film treatment in collage. When talking about their shared love of collage-making, Maddin remarked I suppose this gluey and scissory medium is where the sensibilities of each others chosen fields
Read More: Exhibition of new collages by John Ashbery and Guy Maddin opens at the Tibor de Nagy Gallery