ICP is presenting ¡Cuba, Cuba! at the Southampton Arts Center. This momentous exhibition includes more than 100 color and black-and-white photographs made from the 1950s to the present. ¡Cuba, Cuba! features work by over 20 Cuban photographers including icons Alberto Korda, Raúl Corrales, and Marucha (María Eugenia Haya), and American masters such as Hamptonites Burt Glinn and Elliott Erwitt. From the decadent Havana nightlife of the 1950s to the 1959 Revolution and its iconic leaders, to everyday life in contemporary Cuba, this exhibition provides a multifaceted portrait of the country, exemplifying the richness of Cuban culture, the strength of its people, and the complexity of its political history. As diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States are being restored, ¡Cuba, Cuba! offers a unique view into the island Christopher
Read More: Exhibition at Southampton Arts Center features work by over 20 Cuban photographers