
David Hall’s (b. Leicester 1937 – d. Kent, 2014) legacy as one of the founders of video art in the UK is recognized in this upcoming exhibition of his pioneering work in sculpture, film and video. Curated by Stephen Partridge, this exhibition at the Richard Saltoun Gallery features major works from his estate. Hall, known as the “Godfather of British video art”, was an innovative artist and filmmaker renowned for revolutionising the promotion and reception of video art. He famously made the first ever artistic intervention on British television with his ten ‘Interruptions’ of 1971: broadcast on Scottish television, the interruptions were both unannounced and uncredited. Now known as “7 TV Pieces” (Collection Tate, UK and Reina Sofia, Spain) the ‘Interruptions’ opened the gateway for further technical and artistic experiments within the medium of television, video and film incl

Read More: Exhibition at Richard Saltoun Gallery features major works from David Hall’s estate