China Institute, the nations oldest and most highly recognized educational institution devoted solely to Chinese culture, has announced a move from the Upper East Side to Lower Manhattan. The new 50,000 square foot space at 100 Washington Street will house the Institutes new 3,000 square foot gallery, library, classrooms, and offices and is five times the size of the Institutes current space. Maos Golden Mangoes and the Cultural Revolution, which was on view at China Institute Gallery until April 26, 2015, was the last exhibition at the Upper East Side building. The exhibition revealed how the mango became a potent and unexpected propaganda symbol, providing both a political message and an object of emotional identification in the late 1960s in China. Beginning in August, the offices will move from China Institutes current address at 125 East 65th Street. The first exhibition at the
Read More: China Institute announces move to new 50,000 square foot space in Lower Manhattan