Battle on the Board: Chess during World War II, an exhibit which recently opened at the World Chess Hall of fame, highlights artifacts, stories, and imagery related to how chess aided service members as well as how the war affected the world of competitive chess. Though often used as a metaphor for battle, during times of conflict chess was often a source of relaxation, a means of passing long hours, and an aid in recuperation. This exhibit allows visitors to explore the subject of chess and war through the lens of World War II and offers insights into how wartime had a meaningful impact on the game. As we commemorate the 70th anniversary of WWII, this exhibit is not only relevant but demonstrates how a game modeled upon battle can also provide a sense of home and community, said Emily Allred, assistant curator at the World Chess Hall of Fame. Exhibit highlights include:
Read More: ‘Battle on the Board: Chess during World War II’ opens at the World Chess Hall of Fame