The world is on the move, driven by the idea that things are better elsewhere. Some people leave their homes in search of education, work or a better life. Others travel out of interest, a thirst for adventure or to do their bit for a better world. At the exhibition The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side, 37 artists aged between 25 and 45 inquire how a small state presents itself, whether it can play a model role, and what effects migration and tourism have. The aim of the show is to draw a critical comparison between the small states and, at the same time, to try to find inspiring unique features. As of 29 August, the artworks will be joined by the kuska exhibition on development cooperation. To improve the conditions of life in ‘developing countries’, people, money and goods move around the globe. But how does development coopera
Read More: 37 artists focus on the reality of small European states and how they are perceived by others