
Two hundred years after the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon is still under attack in Britain, where the image persists of a military genius consumed by a fanaticism comparable with Hitler or Stalin. The Emperor of French revolutionaries and regicides continues to strike fear in his neighbours across the Channel, long after his death on the South Atlantic island of St Helena, according to British historian and author Andrew Roberts. ‘Mothers used to quieten their children with the threat that if you don’t watch out, Boney will get you,’ he told AFP. ‘There were still children in the 1950s being scared by this particular threat.’ Indeed, the title of his latest 900-page biography — ‘Napoleon, the Great’ — raised more than the odd eyebrow at home. Firstly, most Britons would argue that ‘the Great’ was not a fitting epitaph

Read More: 200 years after Waterloo, Britain still battling Emperor of French revolutionaries Napoleon